Patients' Responses

"Your health"
medical newspaper of Ukraine Professor Vassiliev's patients
ri.30 (414) Wednesday, 28 April 1999

Irina, Kiev

- My daughter is 4 years old, she suffers microcephalia with infantile cerebral paralysis syndrome. When we came for the examination to professor Vassiliev half a year ago, the child looked awfully. She couldn't understand anything (it was clear because of the expression of her face), she scarcely reacted to close people, her arms were twisted outside, her legs were crossed and they didn't support her anyway. The girl didn't stand, she sat either with her legs crossed or almost lying on her belly. Her head had an abnormal form, it was small, and the child almost didn't grow at all. Her mouth almost didn't shut, she had constant hypersalivation. Mow the child has radically changed: she began to grow, her head increased per 4 sm and now it has almost normal appearance. Her face acquired childish expression - her eyes are alive, the girl can shut her mouth. She reacts to requests, she studied to nod her head to express her "yes" and "now" (she even can try to outwit). The girl stands on her feet and walks a lot, holding me with her both hands (that couldn't happen before). And she holds her hands more and more correctly. The most pleasant is that we can contact, communicate with her. She perceives external world normally, takes a great interest in it and carries out tile requests to do something correctly. She tries to speak "ma", "pa", "ba". 1 don't recognize my child. And the doctors wonder at our changes.


n.77 (461), Wednesday, 27 October 1999

Susanna Qordiychuk, head of the neurological department of the centre, candidate of the medical science (on the photo with the patient of the centre - Anya S.).

- The results of the treatment by the method of biocorrection
impress a lot. I myself became a witness, how a helpless, almost vegetative creature with the face, that expresses nothing, and empty sight in a year turned into the merry, active girl Anechka with shining curious eyes, who excellently orientates in familiar circumstances, has her own wishes, expresses her I will, her playing interests and need in communication expand every day. I am confident, that soon, if the treatment will continue, the girl will overtake her contemporaries in her development.


li.77 (461), Wednesday, 27 October 1999 Andrey S., 24.

Diagnosis: Bekker's myopathy for more than 17 years, the result - muscular atrophy of the whole body, the movements in legs were absent, in hands they were preserved until 3-10% in different parts. Usual pose - almost lying on the floor. He couldn't sit independently for more than 10 minutes in the forced position, he couldn't sit in the wheeling chair at all. 8 month of biocorrection. Andrey's mother:
- "Now he overcomes in the wheeling chair the territory of the room and a long corridor near the staircase. He persuaded himself till the end, that nothing has hap pened to him. Only when he went to Vorzel in June for
the repeated course of treatment and met there the pa tients, whom he knew since the first day of staying there, he saw, how they changed, what they became, only then he understood: it happened to him at last, that was not a dream. Children especially easy become a subject to bio correction, they change like in a fairy-tale. The disease was exhausting my son for many years, it brought him a lot of injuries. But when you look at the children, who raise beside you like a little miracle, the confidence in re covery of my son gets into me involuntarily".


/Y.JO (414), Wednesday, 28 April 1999

Alexander Vinnitsky, professor:

- When I was told about the recovery of the sick people in the Vassiliev's centre, me, neuropathologist with a big length of work, didn't believe it. I went to Chernigov my self to meet those people, who had treatment by Vitaliy Nikolayevich, to speak to them, examine them. Frankly speaking, I was amazed, when I assured myself, that Vassiliev succeeds in curing patients with disseminated sclerosis, infantile cerebral paralysis, epilepsy, myopathy, paralyses of the different origin. Many doctors don't
believe: how I can anything be changed, for instance, in the state of the patient after the trauma of brain and spinal cord, who was a bed-patient for 6 years? And I say: come and see - there are such changes.

Anatoliy Rudenko, professor, head of the department of neurology of Kiev medicine academy of post-diploma education:
- Researches and recoveries of professor Vassiliev have a great importance not only for neurology. It's an important contribution in neurosurgery, endocrinology, pedia-try. I visited the centre for the second time and was amazed with what 1 saw: sick, who were bed-patients, can serve themselves, have the life of almost full value. I hope, that neurologists, psychiatrists, endocrinologists will be interested in the biocorrection method. I am deeply confident, that many of our colleagues don't know about it or they cannot apprehend it. But I consider, that this method is just the method of the future.


fi.77 (461), Wednesday, 28 October 1999 "And again I see good dreams."

Mikhail M., doctor. Diagnosis: disseminated sclerosis. 3 weeks of biocorrection.
- How do I feel? Much better. First it was hard to walk.
- I couldn't make a step without a cane. Now from the ward to professor's cabinet I walk myself. I feel the changes in my right hand.
The mood is much better. I began even to see the dreams. Good dreams. It hasn't happen to me for a long time already. Vitaliy Nikolayevich says, it's a good sign.