The biocorrection method is a method of treatment of Incurable patients
In 1974 there was a great event, which became a turning point in the diagnostics and cure of nervous and neurophysical diseases. This event changed opinions as to the possible renovation of not only nerve cells but of the whole nerve system. The question is about two 5-year old girls with the ICP tetraplegia diagnosis. 1 succeeded in determining a specific deficiency of the central neuromediator and dopamine (DA) neurohonnone and to prove a possibility of its complete renovation by means of the preparations with L-DOPA content. It was an example of substitution therapy, which gave the hundred per cent recovery of the patients during the limited period of time (in this case -3 weeks of treatment and 25 years of observation).
This phenomenon has got an official name the Shoshina-Vasilyev syndrome. It was approved in 1985 and 1986 by the Invention and Discovery State Committee of the USSR, in 1987 and 1988 by. Russian and Soviet Union's Ministries of Public Health.
Dining the next years I was investigating this disease (it has a lot to do with a large group of DA diseases ) and elucidated it in world scientific literature.
In a few words about an etiology and a pathogenesis of this syndrome. By means of my own adrenogram method I succeeded in finding out that this syndrome is nothing else as a enzymopathy, followed by the DA synthesis. However when stimulating this synthesis and taking into consideration Michoelis' broken constant with the limited doses of the preparation containing L-DOPA (up to ling precision ), it is possible to block this process partially or completely (the process itself will become apparent in second spastic, which is more dangerous than initial one, or in growing the illness more serious) or to obtain the whole recovery of a patient. I was observing patients, convalescing during 12 hours after having taken the preparation (further observation period of these patients is more than 10 years).
The dose of the preparation is calculated mathematically taking into account the Vasilyev adrenogram data. That means a clinic interpretation of the excretion with catecholamines" urine dynamics changes and a mathematical model's construction of these dynamics taking into consideration daily biorythm and also prognostic and diagnostic L-DOPA probes.In other words it is an integral combination of clinic , paraclinic and mathematics , and it can be successfully combined with eleclrophysiologic investigftions and also with computer tomography . However this is more profound. Just these adrenograms enable a doctor to cure patients cosidering clxronotherapy, chronophamacology and mostly important to individualize a patient. By the way these features are being insufficiently taken into account by contemporary medical science.
The Shoshina-Vasilyev syndrome seems to be not widespread (2-3 per cent ICP and leukodystrophy patients). But it means, tens of thousands patients can be swiftly and completely returned to a normal life.
The significance of this syndrome lays in one more circumstance. Having found out a mechanism of (lie syndrome,! could solve series of problems connected with (he cure of all kinds of ICP, encelopalhy and microcephalia and then lo treat another diseases regarded by world medicine as incurable ones. We unify them on the basis of the DA metabolism breach and its ability to the whole or partial recreation.
Analysing the adrenograms we may speak of (he new DA-functions (I had mentioned them earlier) and of the outstanding important DA role, as a conductor of a complicated hormonal system. This system subordinates a synthesis cortical hormones , neuropeptides, growth hormones and also scries of other systems, known and not, known to us. That's why we can get a complete or a partial abilitation or reabilitation of a patient up to obtaining his social significance ( with further observation time 25 years and more ) in 50-55% cases. As for the demyelinating diseases 10-15 cases of hundred represent The Vasilyev Syndrome-Triad (it's a new illness, the complete recovery is obtained during 3-6 months).
Cerebral atrophy, Alzheimer's disease give a way to biocorrection too. A tangible positive effect can' be., obtained in the cases of many diseases' biocorrection. For instance: neuronuiscular diseases including miopathies, posttraumatic paralysises (as an effect after fractures or brain and spinal cord injuries), postinfectious paralysises etc.
A mechanism of DA metabolism breach in cases of epylepsy, autism, dyslexia, mental deficiency and other sicknesses became intelligible too.' There is an impression, that in our century, the century of stresses (they lead to ncurohormones wastes and to a limited ability of their renovation), century of ecological problems the DA metabolism and metabolism of a whole sympathetic-adrenal system breaks to some extent. TMs system is correlated with another systems and especially with immune one. It leads to neuroses and other civilization's diseases: hypertension, gastric ulcer, premature senility and of course to the series of paralysises. Their DA-etiology is beyond any doubt. This general biological regularity makes us lo estimate the possibilities of modern medicine in anew way. This medicine concentrales its altention on dyagnosis and prophylaxis and not on effective therapy.
Naturally, there is a need in polybranch investigations and also in clinic, paraclinic and laboratorial ones. They enable to solve a number of new problems, which are the mailers of principle for practic and theoretical medicine. My own biocorreclion experience (more than 3000 patients from 3 month to 87 years-old) proves it clearly.
Professor Vitaliy Vassiliev, an author of more than 300 scientific articles, monographs, books, instructions, patents, .an author of Shoshina-Vassiliev's and Vassiliev's syndromes-triad, an author of the biocorrection method with the same name.