The method of adrenograms after Vassiliev as a
method of objectivization and prognosing of patients
with different states and pathologies
For many years I've been elaborating a universal method of valuation of a state
of a patient with the elements of long-term prognosing for objectification and
prognosing of patients. This method was officially called the method of
adrenograms, meaning clinic interpretation of urine discharges of such
neurohormones and neuromediators as adrenaline (A), noradrenaline (NA),
dopamine (DA) and their common predecessor - amino acid DOPA in the aspect
of biorhythm (morning, day, evening, night) with clinic, prognostic tests with L-
DOPA, which reveals intimal mechanisms of deflection of functioning of central
and peripheral nervous system with the possibility of their correction. On the basis
of the received data we build mathematical trajectiory of lesion of the organism,
that reflects the level of adaptation, periods of fatigue and rehabilitation of healthy
people and diagnosis and effectiveness of treatment of patients. The method
perfectly combines with generally accepted researches (electrocardiogram (ECG),
electroencephalogram (EEG), EMG etc.) and even exceeds them in the depth of
information and in abilities of precise calculation of the individual doses of
necessary preparations in the aspect of chronotherapy and chronopharmacology.
Only using this method it is possible to determine objectively the man's biorhythm
as adrenal (A-type, anxious, fobic), noradrenal (NA-type, hysteric, leader-type)
and A+NA (mixed type, hyperreactor). These biotypes can be differed in
biochemical, immunologic, hematological way etc. They have their own norm
(arterial pressure, lactate, cholesterol, etc.). Underestimation of this factor leads to
considerable reduction of effectiveness of professional orientation and professional
selection, of elaboration of sound way of life, diagnosis and treatment of a series
of pathologies etc. Here is one of the examples: identical types espesially NA-
type) conflict with each other, and it is important to take it into account in work
forces, family psychology, professional selection etc. Different types form levels
of stress in different ways, especially understress and poststress; we used it in
professional selection in cosmic, air and sport medicine, for shift neuro-emotional I
jobs (man-controller, man-operator etc.), upon the elaboration of sound way of life
and also in clinic practice. And it tomes out that men more often have A-type than 1
When using adrenograms, it is possible to discover syndroms and symptoms I and to show, that men more often have neurosis of obtrusive states and women - nervous exhaustion and that almost a half of men (women have it a little bit less) | j have sympatho-adrenal crisis, which is often wrongly interpreted as hypertensive I disease. Sympatho-adrenal paroxysms, that can form the deficiency of brain blood circulation, are of mass origin at men and women: 72% and 1,2% respectively.
This stale can be transformed in hypothalamic interest or even hypothalamic syndrome - almost by 20% of men and 16,8% of women, that leads to the mass deflection of sleep and biorythm (80,9% of men and 80,2% of women), that reflects low level of adaptation and mass asthenization of men and women. Here is a short bioportrait of contemporary socially active men and women from the city population, where a man loses in a woman's favour, almost in all the parameters. It is important to be taken into account in medical, social and other practices.
Every type has it's own "set" of diseases. So, A-type more often has psychosis, diabetes mellitus, myocardial infarction, gastric and duodenum ulcerous disease etc. NA-type more often has schizophrenia, insult etc. The method of adrenograms can be successfully applied for diagnosis and closer definition of diagnosis of series of neuro-, psycho- and other diseases. So, in number of diseases of DA-ethyology it is possible to find the correct diagnosis only using adrenograms. For example, it is possible to make differentiation, for instance, infantile cerebral paralysis from encephalopathy etc., neurosis from psychosis and schizophrenia etc. among patients with demyelinating diseases, who have Shoshina-Vassiliev syndrome.
The method of adrenograms is a basis for the method of biocorrection of wide range of diseases of DA-ethyology, that enlarges every year. Such diseases as multiple sclerosis and infantile cerebral paralysis, posttraumatic paralysis and epilepsy, myopathy, dislection, mental underdevelopment etc., which earlier were independent diseases, are also in this group. And in all the cases in the basis is specific deflection of DA metabolism with precision up to +1 mg, and that is possible only when using adrenograms. Biocorrection allows to reach effectiveness in the treatment of incurable patients in 50-55% of cases, for some nosologies - in 70-75% of cases. That doesn't have any analogues in the world medicine.
In cases of the diseases, when metabolism is not so important, anyway, adrenograms help the doctor to receive rich, individual, unavailable for other methods information about the patient in the aspect of round-the-clock and season biorhythms, about his adaptation abilities, and also the whole clinic symthomocomplex and the ability of its long-term prognosing.
This method is widely reflected in the world medicine literature, is included in hundred of scientific publications, handbooks, monographs, reference books, is protected with patents.